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About Me.

I am a curious and extroverted recently graduate student in International Fashion Management and Marketing at Coventry University London. 


I was born and raised in a family business in a small village north of Mallorca, surrounded by nature and the sea. In the family restaurant, I learned through looking at my parents, all your dreams would be accomplished if you believed in yourself, had determination, and worked hard. Additionally, I know how to communicate with consumers from an early stage to create excellent customer service.  


When I was 18, I decided to come to London for a year to learn English, as I believe languages are one of the best skills a person can have. Although, eight years later, a marriage and a degree, I am still here, and I am in love with how multicultural and diverse the city is; therefore, I created London as my home far from home. 


In London, I met someone who inspired me and pushed me to follow one of my most significant interests in life, fashion. When I was little, I saw fashion as a world of colours and textures. I used fashion to express myself and my character, as I was always shy. Now I know a career where I can emerge interested in fashion and travel, as I want to peruse a career in fashion buying.


More About Me.

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