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Find Your Way into Fashion 2022

Find your way into fashion 2022; it was a career fair organised by the International Fashion Marketing master’s student at Coventry University London. The careers event was divided into six events throughout the week. Each event looked at different careers and fields in the fashion and beauty industry. I learned from many different professionals who came as guest speakers, from influencers and bloggers to entrepreneurs, fashion designers, buyers, stylists and recruiting agents.


The guest speakers demonstrated what they are doing in their jobs and how they have reached their career goals and gave us tips for our future careers. One thing that stood up for me was how much they expressed the importance of doing what you like and never stop believing in your capabilities and yourself, and every time you get a rejection is a step closer to your dream job. Additionally, they stated the importance of start building your network from the really early stages of your career to meet people and socialise because the fashion industry is all about who you know, who can help you and who you can help. 


Another thing I learned was that the most fulfilling thing in your job or career is your willingness to develop yourself and learn from the people you are working with. Also, you do not need to know what you want to do, evolve, and do what is inspiring you every step of your career because you create your own opportunities. 


As I am recently graduated, I am currently looking to start my career in the fashion industry. I paid particular attention to what guest speakers had to say about going to interviews and how to successfully get a job. I learned to always be prepared by always being aware of the news inside and outside the industry, be mindful because everything is relevant and can affect the industry, and keep a clean and easy-to-read CV. Secondly, research the brands, their aims and objectives and their latest works, and explore the person who will interview, to have an idea of who they are and what they do. Finally, make a list of questions you would like to ask the company, but never ask for your salary on the first interview.

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